Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

I miss my Daddy more and more as years go by, this is the 11th Fathers Day without him. I thought the pain was suppose to ease up as years go by but he was (and still is) My Rock and my Best Friend, I miss you so much Daddy and Love you more than words could ever say. R.I.P. Daddy, we all Love you. Love Your baby Girl....Jeanie.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Croknitmamas World

Crochet and knit projects


I found the most wonderful man that makes these great nosty,s, they are for rewinding or winding yarn into cake like shapes. He is great at what he does, great worker with wood.

If anyone is interested in purchasing one or more of these here is his contact info.

woodman12blue on E-bay.

I guarantee you will be as happy with your nosty's as i am.